Oxytocin Potion (topical rub)
1 oz
Elegant bottles with wand
Increase inner well being and feelings of love with a boost of oxytocin.
Topical oil based potion (apply to pulse points)
Scent: Lavender & Vanilla notes (essential oil)
Oxytocin: Lab Pherluv LLC
Each bottle contains exactly half of oxytocin solution & half essential oil blend.
This small nine amino acid peptide is now believed to be involved in a wide variety of physiological and pathological functions such as libido, sexual activity, pregnancy, uterine contraction, milk ejection, maternal behavior, social bonding, stress and probably many more, which makes oxytocin and its receptor potential candidates as targets for drug therapy. - NCBI
As a topical solution, apply a thin layer directly onto your pulse points (ex. wrists, neck, inner elbows, inner knees) 1 or 2 times daily
Use daily for best results.
Dosage info: NCBI
Tip: If you and a lover both apply the potion, it will strengthen your bond especially on date night!
*Deemed safe but always consult your physician if there are any concerns. AVOID IF PREGNANT.